Thursday, 25 September 2008

Second Life

The first time I heard about Second Life, it was in a GQ magazine where the author wrote a really hilarious article about how, for the sake of writing the article, had to do research by going in there and figuring things out for himself. From being traumatized by the fact that accidentally offended some people in a serious group meeting by flying around, the fact that every part of the body could be upgraded (including the genitals), the more attractive, the more expensive, and eventually being so depressed by the fact that most people just went in there to engage in unacceptable activity in real life society that he just tried impossibly to commit suicide and get rid of his avatar once and forever.

With that impression in my head, I feel skeptical in considering Second Life for education purposes so I guess it was a good thing that I watch the following clip:

Virtual spaces mimicking reality and virtual environments way beyond the limits of reality exist in Second Life. These simulations would bring the students out of the 4 walls of the classrooms and give them a more first-hand and interation of exploring and learning about places that no longer exist or are too far away.

What I thought was the coolest was the possibility to re-create environments. Although the minus side is that that would not come free, the thought of building and designing something out of your own creativity struck me as a useful platform for students to showcase their potential, and further encourage them to think out of the box.

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